140+ Team Names starting with S

Browse through suggestions of team names to help inspire your own team name. Vote for your favorite by leaving your star rating, or leave a comment telling us where you used your team name.

  1. Setting Ducks
  2. Served Hot
  3. Smash Girls
  4. Spin Masters
  5. Swingers
  6. Saved By The Balls
  7. Salsa Swings
  8. Sun Dolls
  9. Silversteppers
  10. SuperSixers
  11. Smashers
  12. Scared Shotless
  13. Swift Kick in the Grass
  14. Scrum Crushers
  15. Slick Chicks
  16. Skull Krushers
  17. Santa's Sweet Cookies
  18. Scrooge's Little Helpers
  19. Santa's Little Helpers
  20. Snatch it!
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