140+ Team Names starting with S

Browse through suggestions of team names to help inspire your own team name. Vote for your favorite by leaving your star rating, or leave a comment telling us where you used your team name.

  1. Sesame Street Muppet Punchers
  2. Scouting For Goals
  3. Swollen Maniac Midget Mashers
  4. Secret Agents
  5. Sabre-Tooth Tigers
  6. Supersonic Wizards
  7. Silent But Deadly
  8. Stealth Pirates
  9. System of a Touchdown
  10. Sasquatch Melee
  11. Smarty Pints
  12. Stunned Punts
  13. Smart Alecs
  14. Strike This
  15. Split Ends
  16. Spare Me
  17. Scratchers
  18. Smartinis
  19. Strike Club
  20. Split Personalities
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